Pokemon VGC 2011 Battle [Round 2]

2016-03-10 5

Here is a round by round analysis of what happened at the VGC:\r
Round One [Nervous Girl]\r
The first round I get paired up with the girl who standing behind me in line. She was scared and nervous as all get out -- almost like she was expecting an attack from the shadows at any moment. Her family was on the sidelines, cheering her on. Her father told her everything would be fine, she should just have fun. Her sisters brought her candy and told her she was awesome. And then I swept her team and felt like a douche. I won 3-0 as it was clear she didnt EV train or IV breed. She picked good types, but her attacks were feeble at best and my Trick Room team stole the show. She was very sad afterward and I moved on to the next round with a heavy heart.\r
Round Two [Smogon Guy from Seattle] \r
This battle is the one in the video. I saved it because of pants lizard but also because of this guys sad tale. Apparently he is from Seattle and played in their competition before coming down to California. He took a 24-hour train ride here just to play in the competition and when I crit his first guy he looked up and muttered, I hate fighting competent people. Half way through the match he told me that after we were finished he would have to take another 24-hour train ride home and that he basically had wasted his time. When he forfeit he hung his head in shame and walked off with a heavy sigh. Again, I just went to the next round feeling like such a terrible person.\r
Round Three [Asian Guy]\r
Asian guy was obviously a good player -- and he wanted to shake my hand and all that before the battle. Thats cool, but also creepy, since both other battles were basically fought in silence. Seriously, this guy liked to have a running dialogue and would constantly chat it up with me while we fought. His team relied on speed and my relied on Trick Room [Obviously from the video]. I managed to get Trick Room up thanks to Mental Herb and then proceeded to kill half his team. Unfortunately for me, the Trick Room ran out and it was down to two pokemon -- his Hydriegon and my Reuniclus. His Hydriegon had already used Draco Meteor and my Reuniclus had a little over half health. He was running choice scarf and I knew he had to Draco Meteor again. My move was Focus Blast and his Draco Meteor but it ended up criting me to death and he won the round. The only thing I felt sad about was losing after having defeated the scared girl and the guy from Seattle. I should have won for them but then I didnt. For shame.\r
Anyways, besides the depressing competitors, I had a wonderful time! Everyone loved my Pants Lizard [Haha] and there were lots of pokemon discussion. Good luck to everyone else and have fun~!